Tuesday, January 13, 2009

RA #1: Superman for "Got Milk?"


Drinking milk will make you like Superman because it will strengthen your bones. Also, come see the new Superman movie.


Ideally, anyone who likes Superman and wants to see his new movie . Specifically, younger male children who aspire to be superheroes.


Get kids to think it is cool to drink milk because it will make your bones stronger and, as such, make you like Superman. Also, to get kids to come see the new Superman movie.


In the mind of a child (the target audience of this ad), it is a reminder of just how awesome Superman is and all the cool stuff he can do. Plus, we always know that Superman always sides for that which is good and right. We trust that whatever he would have us do will be good for us. Kids trust that if Superman likes drinking milk, chances are they will, too.

The ad is set high in the sky, reminding us that Superman can fly. This is one of the most basic connections people have with Superman, as evidenced by the many thousands of children who have injured themselves trying to "fly" off their roof or garage over the years. In a sense, we see the sky as Superman's natural habitat; a place we also long to be.

Why can Superman fly so high, and do all the other things he does? Because of his super-strength, of course! Granted, that strength is the result of him being from another planet, but the wording in the ad leave hope for us!

"The calcium helps bones grow strong, so even if you're not from Krypton you can have bones of steel."

Will our bones really turn to steel? Of course not. However, the implied strength of both steel and the Man of Steel will make us want to try anyway by drinking that milk.

Plus, we can see the results of that strength if we go see the new Superman movie.


For young Superman fans, it probably got them to take an extra glass or so of milk for a day or two. Plus, it reminded them of the new movie coming out and probably led them to ask their parents to see it. It was not effective in making the movie any good, which is why I saw it on the $5 shelves at Wal-Mart recently.

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