Saturday, January 31, 2009

RA#3: "Gotta Be Honest With Ya, It'll Make Your Sex Life Awesome"

To add an extra bit of intrigue to this assignment, I brought my fiancee Holly with me to the 24 Hour Fitness by her apartment. I had no idea just how intriguing it would get...

WATCO and Enthymeme

What are the consequences of joining 24 Hour Fitness on the quality of your sex life?

24 Hour Fitness is the best gym to enhance your sex life because the quality of 24 Hour Fitness' cardio classes provides increased stamina and endurance in both partners.


Any married or engaged couple who wants to be in better shape in order to perform better in bed.


Get a long-term 24 Hour Fitness membership for both me and Holly so we can sign up for at least one of their cardio classes, particularly the 24 Hour Tease (TM) class (where available).


Our guide, Karyl, teaches a hip-hop class at the Provo 24 Hour Fitness location. Once she found out we're engaged, she made it clear that the cardio classes would make our sex better (once we got married). Since it is something Holly and I will start soon, it made the argument very relevant to us.

Without going into too much detail, Karyl explained how her dance classes were a fun way for her and her husband to "build stamina and endurance" by strengthening heart/lungs. Makes sense to us. Her personal experience also made this argument more credible.

Karyl really focused on Holly's confidence by introducing the 24 Hour Tease (TM) class. Karyl showed us the class description on their website. Briefly, this "electrifying" class would allow Holly to "get in touch with [her] inner diva, while taking off pounds, extra clothing and even some inhibitions to reveal a healthier, fit body."

Since they don't offer this class in Utah, Karyl asked us our hometowns to see if they offered the class there. I'm from here, but she's from Southern California, and sure enough, they offer 24 Hour Tease (TM) in her hometown, West Covina. In any case, a long-term membership would allow her to take this class once we moved out of Utah.


Karyl was very effective. Even though the whole sex thing was pretty frank/blunt, it did strike a chord with both of us. We're both somewhat overweight, and in about four months or so we'll be having sex, and Karyl wanted us to have as good an experience as possible.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

RA #2: How 'Bout This Jazz Commercial?

WATCO and Enthymeme

What are the consequences of attending a Utah Jazz game on quality of life?

Attending Utah Jazz basketball is the best way to improve quality of life because the excitement that is felt at a Utah Jazz game brings a sense of unity and fulfillment.


Those in the Salt Lake area who are aware of the Jazz, but either have never attended a game or who have not attended a game in recent memory.


Get the audience to call in or go online and purchase Jazz tickets, even if it is just for a single game.


The ad begins with shots of hustle and bustle which is interrupted by Jazz PA announcer Dan Roberts' voice, bringing everyone to a standstill trying to find the source for the voice. Already, the power of the Jazz is bringing people together.

Once the source of the voice is found, you might as well go in and figure out what the commotion is about, right? The people do just that, and soon, everyone is in the arena cheering. Isn't this better than work or just hanging out at the coffee shop?

Look how loud and enthusiastic we can be if we come together as one. After all, the Jazz are renowned throughout the NBA for the passion of its home crowd. Where else can you find that enthusiasm in the hustle and bustle of the day?

The end of the ad uses the most exciting event in basketball: a buzzer-beating shot. in real game footage, Carlos Boozer, one of the Jazz's most recognizable players, makes the shot playing against the San Antonio Spurs, a longtime Jazz rival. Everyone likes conquering a rival.

Further, the excitement of the crowd in the final wide shot gives the strongest case for the unity that Jazz games bring. "I helped that to happen," the person thinks.

The last part of the ad emphasizes that you don't need season tickets to contribute. You can get only single game tickets if you want, You still get the chance to be with your fellow Jazz fans.


This ad was intended for this current regular season. So far, the Jazz's average home attendance this season is actually down compared to last season. However, since it is only down by 11 people in a down economy, the ad is probably still fairly effective.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

RA #1: Superman for "Got Milk?"


Drinking milk will make you like Superman because it will strengthen your bones. Also, come see the new Superman movie.


Ideally, anyone who likes Superman and wants to see his new movie . Specifically, younger male children who aspire to be superheroes.


Get kids to think it is cool to drink milk because it will make your bones stronger and, as such, make you like Superman. Also, to get kids to come see the new Superman movie.


In the mind of a child (the target audience of this ad), it is a reminder of just how awesome Superman is and all the cool stuff he can do. Plus, we always know that Superman always sides for that which is good and right. We trust that whatever he would have us do will be good for us. Kids trust that if Superman likes drinking milk, chances are they will, too.

The ad is set high in the sky, reminding us that Superman can fly. This is one of the most basic connections people have with Superman, as evidenced by the many thousands of children who have injured themselves trying to "fly" off their roof or garage over the years. In a sense, we see the sky as Superman's natural habitat; a place we also long to be.

Why can Superman fly so high, and do all the other things he does? Because of his super-strength, of course! Granted, that strength is the result of him being from another planet, but the wording in the ad leave hope for us!

"The calcium helps bones grow strong, so even if you're not from Krypton you can have bones of steel."

Will our bones really turn to steel? Of course not. However, the implied strength of both steel and the Man of Steel will make us want to try anyway by drinking that milk.

Plus, we can see the results of that strength if we go see the new Superman movie.


For young Superman fans, it probably got them to take an extra glass or so of milk for a day or two. Plus, it reminded them of the new movie coming out and probably led them to ask their parents to see it. It was not effective in making the movie any good, which is why I saw it on the $5 shelves at Wal-Mart recently.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A New Blog, A New Inspiration

This is the second blog I will have created for a class here at BYU. The last one was for a Principles of Journalism class last semester. Before then, I had never blogged before. I found my experience last semester to be an enjoyable one, as I became acquainted with the finer points of blogging.

I realized as I went through the semester that my primary purpose for my blog shifted during the semester. At first, my primary motivation was for the grade. The more I wrote, however, the more I wanted to bring certain subjects to light and either seek others' opinions or get them to agree to my own. As such, I am ecstatic to have another opportunity to blog for this class.

When Nicole explained the blog assignment, a title immediately came to mind: Crystal Blue Persuasion. It comes from a song by Tommy James and the Shondells (I'm an aficionado of oldies and classic rock). I know it's pretty cheesy for a persuasive writing class, but you'll find that my sense of humor is inherently cheesy. I apologize in advance.

According to both Wikipedia and, the title comes from James' study of the Bible. Perhaps Ezekiel, the Song of Solomon, or the book of Revelation. Perhaps from a tract of the Jehovah's Witnesses. Whatever the case, the song is persuasive in itself, as it seeks to help people to love one another:

Look over yonder what do you see
The sun is a-risin' most definitely
A new day is comin' people are changin'
Ain't it beautiful crystal blue persuasion

Better get ready gonna see the light
Love, love is the answer and that's all right
So don't you give up now so easy to find
Just look to your soul and open your mind

Crystal blue persuasion, mm-hmm
It's a new vibration
Crystal blue persuasion, crystal
Blue persuasion

Maybe tomorrow when He looks down
Every green field and every town
All of his children every nation
There'll be peace and good brotherhood

Crystal blue persuasion
Crystal blue persuasion.....